May 26, 2011

Cool days in Victoria

I am totally enjoying being wrapped up by winter for the first time in a few years. Autumn has whisked away the leaves on the deciduous trees around the yard, they now stand naked in the wind, there roots curling deep down in the cold damp earth.. resting, waiting. While they rest, I feel a little like I have been re-born, everyday the cortisone in my hip is working at giving me a little more freedom, it is almost insurmountable to me how much relief it has given me.. When I have had the surgery, I know things will be so much better, I will be out digging up the yard for a vege patch "laughing" or maybe the depots golf course.
With the weather cold and blustery outdoors, I am feeling so content in my home with my new found strength. Cleaning like I haven't been able to for months, decluttering and I have even made 5 batches of soap this week, something I couldn't do for the last few months as I couldn't stand up long enough. Luckily I had plenty stored .. can't run a cottage business with no stock :-)
The hub of my home has been rocking with activity..
I hauled 'dough baby' out the fridge, gave him a feed and made sourdough bread.

 2 loaves of dark rye sourdough bread, and blocks of newly cut soap.. Dragons Blood, Nag Champa,  Lavender, and Earth Mama all mint and herbs... 

My new soap - Mama Earth
Blessed is my hearth. 


Hailey Marie said...

That bread looks absolutely amazing. I really have to learn how to make bread. Yum.

Moodi Mumma said...

Beautiful post xo

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