Feb 4, 2011

My Toy Boy

My husband and I woke this morning at 5.50am, I rolled over to have a cuddle before he left, and just before I could wish him a happy birthday, he said, "hey, I am only 2 years younger than you now.."  it made me smile, my toy boy. I am no cougar (thank the goddess haha) but he always makes me feel like a million dollars, when I have potting mix on my shirt, or I'm buried under a pile of ironing and even when he comes home, gives me a hug and says  "you been baking - smell like cookies yum"
This man has sat beside my hospital bed for so many hours while I was unconscious and I so sick after surgery... he has held my hand when I was scared, he has laughed till tears rolled down his face, when I have had a silly moment with him or the kids
.. he has encouraged me and believed in me, when I didn't or couldn't believe in myself., he is my best friend, my constant when the world hits me a curved ball.. every year he gets better with age... I can not imagine one minute of one day without him in my life and he is truley the Knight of my heart,, Happy Birthday...

P/s -  He also points out my typos,...  got to love that in a bloke, right


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your husband. Have a wonderful day today !!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

He sounds just great! But I'd definately poke him in the eye for that cheeky comment!! ;-D

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