Yesterday was cold and wet, funny that ever time I say it never feels like winter Mama nature sends a day to reassure me, bless her.... so with the chores done and the afternoon cool and wintery I put on a copy of an old cd I found, Branches in the Mist by Julie Felix and sat down to some knitting.
I really had to stop when the last somg came on, I remember it so well even though it was releasedway back in 1992.
This song bought tears to my eyes. As I listened to the words I thought of the different woman who I had known in my life, those woman who are strong even when they can not see it, we all have the ability to improvise, adapt and overcome. Listening to my beautiful daughter giving me insight to a challenge I was facing, I was blessed by her awareness and wisdom well beyond her years, and I think I said at the time " When did you get so wise" - I thought of Miss 11, the daughter I have from another mother and as I watch as she learns to deal with the death of her mother, the total change of lifestyle that bought about and her growth from child to woman I wonder why the Goddess chose me to help her on this journey, when I feel so ill equipped to do so. I also thought of the many woman whose lives I share via the blogs I read here - I shed a tear for Rhonda over at Down To Earth who lost her best friend to cancer and I also thought of you and you and you... for your a beautiful woman, sweet sister of mine.. Sadly, I could not find a video of this song but here are the lyrics... Blessed Be
Woman - Julie Felix 1992
Cause you're a woman sweet like summer-corn
you're a woman and to the Goddess you were born
beautiful woman, sweet sister of mine
You serve the old, You raise the young
You caught the stars when they where flung into the sky
You heal the sick, You feed the poor
It is your love that lights the way and that’s for sure
Cause you're a woman sweet like summer-corn
you're a woman and to the Goddess you were born
beautiful woman, sweet sister of mine
Your scars are deep, Your tears are warm
It is your threat that mends the sails when they are torn
And like a wave your heart may break
But it keeps pounding like the sea, Make no mistake
Cause you're a woman sweet like summer-corn
you're a woman and to the Goddess you were born
beautiful woman, sweet sister of mine
Isis, Astarte, Diana, Asarat
Teachers of the mysteries that we forgot
Virgin, girl child, Madonna and old crone
Faces of the moon that you know
You' re not alone
Cause you 're a woman raped and cheated for the long
you’re a woman, to the Goddess you belong
beautiful women, sweet sister of mine
and from the moon you gather light, illuminate the dark
Take back the night
You channel love, And love is strong
And you regain your rightful place
Before too long
Cause you're a woman sweet like summer-corn
you're a woman and to the Goddess you were born
beautiful woman, sweet sister of mine
*I've added more topics to the list.*
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workshops or who want to register now. ...
:) your post warms my heart as this song too very cloe to mine. I first heard this song last year at our Goddess fesitval where Juloe Felix was playing i sat and listend as the tears flowed......... now when i play that cd i sing it out shout it out we should be proud its an amazing uplifting track. Julie Felix will be playing again at the festival later this year and i cant wait x x x
thank you for you lovely comments on my little blog. it is rare that i hear from someone who is from the peninsula. please have a peek whenever you feel homesick.
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