Well an interesting wee turn of events for me here.. As many of you know I have become the step mum to two children,one who is a 10 year old girl. *smiles* she is the little one who came out into the kitchen a few weeks back with a tiny crescent moon stuck to her forehead.. She informed me tonight that she has had two periods.. goodness I hadnt thought that would be an issue to address for a year or two.
As a girl I had my first period when I was 9 years old, and I remembered how frightened I was.. In fact I was to scared to tell anyone, I also had no mother so when I seen my first blood stained panties I was terrified and threw them in to the bushes down the back of the farm.. This is not how I want it to be for this young lass.. Hers first came at school apparently and the school sent her home.. Her mother sadly was not a great support..
With one so young, I know presently there will be no regularity to the cycle at the moment, but I want it to be a special time for her. Something I never had as a young woman...
She mentioned this evening her mother keeping her home from school because she was *sick with a tummy ache* tonight when we where talking I told her that having a period didn't mean she was sick, it meant her body was changing and that it was a special thing.. I also told her when her next period came, I would help her...
What I would really like to do is, even if it is a school day even let her stay home. And perhaps her and I together have a wee ritual and celebration. A celebration of her. I was never able to haves this for myself, nor for my own daughter who at 27 still has a *special day* for herself on the anniversary of her first menses.. If any of you have an idea how we can celebrate this, in way a girl who is just 10 going on 30 can understand, I would love to hear them...
Both my *new* children know I am a witch and are very interested, in fact the last full moon the kids, seeing me getting candles etc ready, asked what I was doing, and whn told, bought me their crystals to me, to put out under the full moon.. So I am excited to think I may have witchlings..lol.. My poor man whose children they are, burst our laughing when he saw an order I had made for a book called "Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions" ... He rubbed his hands like Golem, from Lord of the Rings.. And whispered into my ear *My precious'es*.. Bless Him!
All joking aside, I would love some ideas and guidance on this.. For a little daughter of the Goddess and a 13 year old boy, who feels to me. as old as time..
So I tried to reboot this and failed so I started a new blog over here
See ya there
Sue x
How wonderful to think of celebrating your new daughter's menses.....not something as the mother of 2 boys ever had to contemplate....I'll give it some thought!
When my daughter had her first moontime I took her out for her first manicure/pedicure and gave her her own tarot deck. It was more about treating her like a young woman than anything "witchy"
Check out http://bohemiansinglemom.blogspot.com . Scroll back to Feb.17, For Girls Only -same topic -some great comments and ideas on how to celebrate moontime with your new daughter.
My daughter is 10 and I have a feeling that we are close to this time, too. If you find any great ways to celebrated, I'd love to hear them!
There's a nice little ritual in Pauline Campanelli's, Pagan Rites of Passage.
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