Mar 8, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

 I have been away from blog-dom, because I felt the need to build a fortress around my family and I needed the energy to help our family heal. Some of the experiences over the last month or so have been painfully hard and left us feeling quiet vulnerable, so we have been working hard at not letting these feelings sour how we see the world or the people in it. 

Life is such a precious gift, it is fragile and fleeting and I think the older one gets, the more this truth reaches out and reveals itself to you.  I can not speak for others in my family, but I know I am still very much living one day at a time, looking to find grace and beauty and gratitude in all that I do each day. I feel blessed that I am learning to be wise and graceful enough to say thank you, even in the face of adversity.
There will be many more hard weeks and months ahead however I am thankful in-spite of all that has happened and all that will be heading our way, to be grateful for all I have, for the strength I have as a woman, and for the ability I am learning to adapt and overcome. 
Some of the initial fog is lifting and I am again enjoying the sanctity of my home, the cleaning and the meal preparation, knitting and gardening - all the while redefining those boundaries that keep us as a family feeling united and secure.
I have a few wee craft projects I want to try, so when I do I will share them here.. I think they are nifty even if I do say so myself. 

I found this on facebook a few days ago..


Nonnymouse said...

Sending you light, strength and warmth in hard times dear lady. I'm so sorry you are going through hard times.

Sue xx said...

I'm sorry too that you are struggling and wish you and your lovely family strength and contentment...enjoyment of each day and of each other.
Love always

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Loads of love from me and Gin if ya want it!! ♥

Homelight said...

Cheering you on as you climb out of the valley.

Dragon (Karen) said...

Sending loving hugs to you and your family! Kia Kaha

Anonymous said...

Sending you healing blessings xxx

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