Nov 11, 2011


Every year, on 11 November at 11 am – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we pause to remember those men and women who have died or suffered in all wars, conflicts and peace operations. Today I will bow my head, and remember. I will stop what I am doing and remember, those men and woman who gave their all for our freedom.

 There is nothing sadder than watching a ramp ceremony..I will remember the families of these men, who arrived back in Melbourne, Australia just days ago.. There are days when can I take what these men and woman do for granted,  yet I will also be thinking of my husband who next week will have given 30 years of his life to this country.  I will also remember those who are my neighbours and friends, offering a quiet thank you to them and those who still actively serve this country. When I wander around the base and see the uniforms,  I am often humbled by their choice - to fight and lay down their lives in time of conflict. No greater gift can be given.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them..


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

A very touching post Wendy♥

nellymary said...

Wow Wendy....what a lovely dad gave 34 years to two countries. We not only WILL remember......we NEED to remember. Things were really crazy that day for me, so no post then.

On my mind today though is something alot less serious......I've been making snowflakes. See my blog for a tutorial.

Toyin O. said...

Great post.

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