Nov 9, 2010

Wee wild hairy haggis

While my house looks normal, well unchanged to the untrained eye, there is lots starting to transpire in our house, with our pre-pack and up lift only 8 days away, there is much list making, last minute appointments, meetings with school teachers, potted plants to re-home, food stuffs to sort and toss as they can't be shipped and trips to the tip, porta robes and suitcases to fill... so it is busy and time is ticking on... sometimes it feels like your just not winning and amidst all of this organised chaos something  happens in your day that leaves you feeling a little richer for the experience.
Today was one of those days.. I met such a lovely lady, who I initially "met" on a forum Down to Earth  then later we added each other on facebook.. funnily enough we only live 20 minutes away from each other and for the first time today, we met in person. I am going to have to work harder on persuading her to get a Blog, *smiles* she has managed to avoid it thus far... I digress though, we more than likely won't get to met again any time soon, which is a shame.. but she not only left me with a sense of warmth and richness for having spent time with her...
This is a hairy haggis
but she left me a wee hairy haggis tea towel which amused my husband no end -  she also gave me a wee gift that was unexpected and rather special in my eyes - really apart from my kids no one has given me something handmade like this...
Isn't this precious? Thank you Sue for this beautiful wee cupcake pin will become a much used and treasured possession. 


splashfish said...

Hello Wendy, I have been away for a while, but getting back into things and will start blogging soon.

Thinking of you as you pack up and move on.
All the best and take good care.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

That's so cool, glad you had a lovely morning.

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

You meet the best people on forums like that, at least we all got something in common. Love your beautiful pin cushion Wendy

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