Oct 13, 2010

Your normal blog...will resume shortly

This blog was never going to be about my personal health, but Goddess help me it is looking like that right about now. Today is Wednesday and it is the start of my second full day in bed if you do not count the time I spent in hospital over the weekend and start of the week.
My little chesty cough I had on Friday had by the early hours Sunday got REAALY bad - when in the ED (ER) faint at the feet of the triage nurse great way to jump the cue  It wasn't planned but it really worked! Four hours and six Vetalin and Atrovent nebulisers later I was sent to the SSU, the ED Dr admitting my temp was to high and my lungs had no plans on cooperating any time soon...  one chest x-ray later, I was told I had shadows on my lungs, you have Pneumonia.
Home now after a rather to and fro debate between a tall handsome South African Doctor and a red lipsticked, blonde English Doctor - England won and I was allowed home, after South Africa made it clear if there was any change I was to go back immediately.. makes you wonder what she was hiding when England says she didn't want you to be contaminated further! South Africa packed me up with two types of antibiotics, steroids, several inhalers and spacers and a "if I had my way you wouldn't be leaving lecture"
I slept most of yesterday, most of this morning - and I have decided I find it very hard to let go. My husband bless him, is one in a million. He knows my house routine and followed it without asking, Monday he did all the washing, sheets, towels ect, organised the kids, fed animals, sorted home work, travelled to and from to the hospital and before I came home he even ironed the sheets for our bed.
He has been doing all the fetching and carrying for me, and I need to remember to shut up and not give him instructions with everything I ask.. He can do it! I'm trying not to worry that in two days two more people are moving into the house, and there are things that need doing.. there will be some of our furniture returning and I am stuck here unable to help.
I got up this morning (duh me) and cleaned our en-suite toilet and hand basin and then walked to the out door bin with a little bag of rubbish.. A 20 minute lesson to why I am in bed exhuasted! So here I sit feeling like I have been in the spin cycle of the washing machine, lungs sounding occasionally like a set of my Great Grans bellow's, sometimes tired, sometimes frustrated and sometimes a very bad patient. I do not think I will ever say to one of the kids again, your sick stay in bed! 
Derek and I did get to spend a day or two out and about before all this last week.. here are a couple of photos. We are both fans of the Australian band AC/DC and years ago I said to D I would like to go and find Bon Scotts memorial site.. so we pulled up into the Fremantle Cemetery and my husband said to me "Dont tell me I never take you anywhere" Bless him. We think some of the memorial is missing or we just couldnt find it.

A beautiful spring afternoon on Rockingham Beach foreshore, it was almost 30c here last Thursday we had fish and chips and a stroll along the broad walk. 

Amidst all the pre removal things going on, Derek took me on a date to a beautiful little Elizabethan Village where there happens to be a great wee pub  while we were waiting for our meals I took this photo out the lead light window, ever so pretty.

I promise I will return you to your normal blog shortly - time for a nap


Leanna said...

I hope you get well soon my dear friend.I miss you.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Oh you poor thing Wendy! I reckon this has been building up for some time, probably why you've been out of sorts for a while! Get well soon ♥

Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

Hi Wendy,

Get well soon, my friend. Nice to see you handsome sailor helping out and doing such a fine job too. Are you still going to move to Melbourne?
Take it easy just like that clever SA Doctor said btw is he really cute and single, I still trying to matchmake my daughter off to someone tall, dark and handsome. If all fails she has to find a farmer on farmer wants a wife lol.

Love Rina

Lisa said...

Goodness Wendy, you've been having a rough time of late! Get well soon and don't over do it. oxo

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