Sep 28, 2010

Thank you

I really want to say a heart felt thank you to those of you who have left comments and sent emails, wishing my husband well. I really do appreciate it. Getting that call scared the daylights out of me as much as the incident did him... He had a very quiet weekend and he is bouncing back. He was back on board today so he is on the mend. It must have been the weekend for it, we have heard of a few people breaking elbows, wrists and falling of motor cycles.. yes all Military. He has managed to get a couple of days leave next week, and we are going to take a few days to ourselves, the kids are heading to D's sisters so there will be some sort out stuff before the move and some much needed R and R.

Random Little Things

I was in a small shopping mall here on the way to the health food store and I came across a hawker selling all sorts of odds and end, and there in amongst all this 'junk' was a witch on a broom.. she was far to beautiful to leave behind, so she came home with me... please meet my constant  kitchen companion, now known as
Miss Alice.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

OMG! That's me mum! lol :D
Glad hubby is feeling better, enjoy your alone time. ♥

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