I have been so busy this weekend, as my daughter Sarah arrives from Melbourne in 13 days (yes I am counting) it has been only seven weeks since I have seen her, but I am missing her to bits.. I really want the house in order before she arrives.. My man and I went out most of the day on one of my least favourite past time, shopping... and then putting in a few more veg and herb plants when I got home..Yesterday my mother in law to be gave me the most beautiful hydrangea, so it is now housed in a pot on the patio.. Y'all need to remind me not to do this moving thing again, as I am feeling like a kid in a candy store going from one thing to another, feeling antsy and unstructured, I feel I have even lost my ability to write almost... What I need is a morning with my Goddess, just being STILL! As it is Monday here tomorrow I may in fact just do that.. But in the mean time, one thing I found today while cleaning out a folder from an ecoven I am a member of is this wonderful piece of poetry that you may or may not have read.. I love it.. So thought to share with you all..
The Dark Pagan Rede
We are Witches, we are ancients those that stand out among shadows. We are weavers, healers and shamans, and warriors, judge and jury and this is our Creed. Do not offend but defend, give your kin a house if they have no home, remember in all forms are we the goddesses children in one way or another. She is the weaver, the threader and the cutter of life no matter what name she is called, she is the great mother, the All, the source. Know the great dance and the Spiral is never ending and your day's walk long and most often someone will try and break your paths but when the wolves tear at your heels, remember only the hardest paths are the paths worth walking.
Life will not be without troubles, fights, hardships and we are not witches too get nor gain for that is but an empty path that leads too greed and the ruin of your soul. We are the witches, singers, shamans, dreamers, weavers, healers and warriors of the wild winds, in the storms and in the fury of the storm and of life. Our knowledge is all knowing, yet we continue too learn things everyday, as is our right. Treat your kin with as much respect as you wish too be treated and you can not be lead astray.
Treasure everyday as it were your last, cherishing the beauty of all life and all things. Protect this rugged earth mother as best you can. Honour her. Even if it is but a rock, know that it to has its own spirit. Life is everywhere, and magick can be breathed in as its purest essence.
Know as the Goddesses child, no matter what you call her she is always there beside you, inside you and with you. Believe this always and you will never be forsaken, even when there is a lesson too be learnt that she must teach you, even if that lesson whips you across the face, it has purpose and reason.
Keep your eyes and your ears open, and listen not only with the physical eye, but the astral ones, for their are signs in all things. In the wind, the rain, the sky and the deep earth. Never look back on your past until you feel you are ready, and remember we have a long way to go. There is strength in the darkness, in shadows and also in the Light, and shadows can not exist without perfect balance of Light and Dark. We are the children of grey Magick, and its power is thine to wield! May the Goddess keep you and bless you in all things, always. Go In strength, love, peace and honour be blessed in unity.
The original poem was written by a witch in the 1960's; this version is what is remembered by a witch by the name of Morrigan Stormraven and she simply asks that she be given credit The Copyrighted Dark pagan's Rede 2.0 sole
*This photo shows what the weather's been like here. That's steam coming
off my neighbours shed roof after a brief downpour of rain. *
I hope we’re g...
Note: Before reading my comment, please understand that I am only referring to printed works, not blogs. Blogs are our private playgrounds, where we can relax and let our hair down. My comment is directed toward authors who publish and print their work for sale and/or mass distribution.
It really bothers me when pagan writers publish without proof reading for errors.
This poem is essentially good, but I find the grammatical and spelling errors distracting. For example, the word "too" is used every time the word "to" is needed.
Besides making things difficult to read, it makes us look like illiterate morons to our detractors.
If an author is from another country, which could account for misspellings and grammatical mistakes, then they should have the foresight to have someone else proof it for them before publishing.
If the original poem had these errors, then Morrigan Stormraven is not to be credited, but discredited for not correcting them before republishing the poem.
We pagans need to take more pride in our work if we want to be taken seriously.
- M
thankyou for sharing these lovely words xXx
I have gone through and corrected the grammar to the best of my ability. If this changes the copy write of the material then, I will be accountable. I have no idea who is reasponsible for the errors, in all honesty I can not imagine it would be the orginal author, however in saying that I have found a website that has a little information on it. http://www.geocities.com/morriganstormraven/DPR2.html
Wendy -
Thanks for your understanding. I find that the pagan world is sometimes kicked to the curb by the other major religions. I think a lot of the disrespect stems from the shoddy attention to detail shown by many pagan writers.
It makes me sad that our path is such a "red-headed stepchild", and it seems our minority status should make us more attentive to putting out quality publications and well-written books that we can be proud of.
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