The other night my beloved asked me to think of some places I might like to visit before we leave Victoria for Western Australia in 15 days (yes I'm counting)
Apart from a trip to Uncle Festers Magickal supplies in a little settlement called Woodsend, I had no idea where I really would want to go... until the wee small hours of this morning... Something disturbed my sleep and I woke to the beautiful silvery glow of the moon shinning through the bedroom window..I usually enjoy these quiet times when no one is awake, it gives me time for quiet contemplation.. whether I think I need it or not..
My thoughts where drawn to the question asked previously and then without warning off my mind pinged to a few lines of a book by Phyllis Curott, one I Had read awhile ago.. The chapter was on finding your own power place. Reading this chapter I felt enthralled by such a place and also slightly envious, for while I had visited places where I felt close to the Goddess I had never found that one place, where I just knew the energy in the area and I connected.. my personal place of power - or so I thought.
It never ceases to amaze me how when I least expect it, I am prompted to recall things tucked away in my sub conscious and this was one of those time. Reminded I was about a place of power. One so strong I could barely stand under the force.. how I had ever forgotten this I do not know, and I remember thinking as I left how I wish it was a place I could go to often.
Tucked away in the Dandenong Ranges is a reserve, not just any reserve but a very special place, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, you have to pay to enter, this reserve is now "owned" by the people and run by a trust, without it the place would be lost..
William Rickett back in the early 30's bought 4 acres of land and moved on to it.. what he did was pretty amazing.. he bought to 'life' the spirit of the land, of the indigenous people that had dwelt here long before the first settlers came here by convict ships from England.
A gifted sculpture he began to carve into the rock all around this 4 acres of land. Huge carvings of the Earth Mother, The Father, the elders whose Spirit is one with the trees..I'm getting goose bumps as I type.
We walked through this amazing place hand in hand, pointing to pieces, taking a few photos totally fascinated by the work that had been this mans life and dream. Then something stopped me, and drew me to it like a magnet.. I let go of my mans hand and walked off the track maybe 4 metres and stopped dead in my tracks.. My eyes turned skywards and still I could not see all of it, tentatively I put my hand out to touch it, and it and I was literally buzzing. The hair on my arms was standing up, my heart was so totally full of joy I thought I was going to explode, total euphoria and I had a grin from ear to ear that I could not control..I wanted to call to my Dh, come feel this, but it didn't feel right to so, this was *my place*
This huge, ancient tree had called me to it's side.. To this day I do not know how.. nor do I know why, however as I sit and reflect I am as blessed by the memory of it's impact on me as much as I was by physically being in its presence..
To have stayed curled up against this huge ancient trunk would have been no hardship to me. I wrapped my arms around this mighty Divine entirety and pressed my face against it's cool bark and felt total unconditional love.
I feel very drawn to return to this place, so we are going back there next week, I have no doubt I will find this majestic being again and I will leave an offering this time at her base and I will thank the Goddess for the privilege, of being able to share in something so amazing.
I have put in a few photos, the top photo is Earthly Mother, the caption at her base reads "Wholeness of Life - Love all embracing"
The second photo is Earth Father and the last is .. I was going to say my tree, but that would be placing a label on something very special... I think you know what the photo represents - Blessed Be
So I tried to reboot this and failed so I started a new blog over here
See ya there
Sue x